We’re getting ready for another great Shire Wars! It’s still early, so there’s not much here.

Activities & Meetings

No information available at this time.

Food & Drink

Breakfast Saturday and Sunday, as well as dayboard (lunch) on Saturday are included in the base registration fee. There is an additional fee for the Feast, and seating is limited.


Camping will be permitted both Friday and Saturday night.

  • For those who wish to stay on site overnight, there is limited camping space along the tree line on the LOWER FIELDS. 
  • Cabin camping is not available this year.
  • Campfires may be built in any established fire ring.  Above ground fire bowls are also permitted, but ashes must be dumped at established fire rings.  Do not move fire rings or build new ones without permission of Camp Ranger.  DO NOT bring in outside firewood.  There is an ample supply of firewood in the surrounding woods.  Any fallen timber may be cut up and utilized as needed.  DO NOT cut down or Damage any live, or standing trees.